Your Reliable and Competent ISO Certification & Training Enabler
The World Best Local and International Certification Body & Training Provider
CI International Certification Sdn Bhd (known as CI International) started its office in Malaysia in May 2000.
CI International is one of the leading certification bodies in Malaysia, providing international standard and national standard certification services to assist organizations that seek to harness on Quality, Anti-Bribery, Environmental, Information Security, Facilities, Food Safety, GMP, Occupational Health and Safety, Energy, and Information Technology Service Management System for business performance improvement.
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Certification Services
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management system (QMS). It specifies concrete, practical requirements, derived from the best quality assurance and sound management practices, and enable organizations to develop and implement their quality management system to meet certain minimum levels of consistent performance, giving your customers added confidence.
ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System
The purpose of developing the ISO 37001 is to establish, implement, maintain and enhance an anti-bribery program that prevents, detects and addresses bribery risks in an organization or institution. ISO 37001 is an international standard which specifies the procedures which an organization should implement to assist it prevent bribery, and identify and deal with any bribery which occurs. It requires organizations to implement these procedures on a reasonable and proportionate basis according to the type and size of the organization, and the nature and extent of bribery risks faced. It is applicable to small, medium and large organizations in the public and private sector, and can be used in any country. It cannot provide absolute assurance that no bribery will occur, but it can help establish that the organization has implemented reasonable and proportionate anti-bribery procedures.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
The ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management system (EMS). It aims to help organizationsminimize or reduce the environmental footprint of their business and to decrease the pollution and waste an organization produced that may affect the environment and assists with compliance to applicable environmental laws and regulations.
ISO 41001 Facilities Management System
ISO 41001 is a Facility Management (FM) standard designed to help an organization establish, implement, maintain and improve an integrated facility management system. FM supports the integration of people, infrastructures and processes within the working environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life and productivity of the business. The main aim of ISO 41001 is to increase the awareness and support the development, implementation and maintenance of effective facilities management in all sectors of industry.
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
OHSAS 18001/ ISO 45001 is the standard against which organizations are assessed on their Occupational Health and Safety performance. As with other standards, it is based around the setting of objectives and targets and the monitoring of the business occupational health and safety performance against this standard.
ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System
ISO 22000 is a generic food safety management system. It defines a set of general food safety requirements that apply to all organizations in the food chain. If your organization is part of the food chain, ISO 22000 wants you to establish a food safety management system (FSMS). It then wants you to use the system to ensure that food products do not cause adverse human health effects.
ISO 27001 Information Security Management System
ISO 27001 is the most widely recognized security standard in the world and defines the specification for an Information Security Management System (ISMS) for protection of Organization, Business and Commercial (related to Customer, Supplier, Employee, Shareholder and other interested parties), both in hard copy and soft copy.
ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System
ISO 20000-1 Information Technology Service Management Systems is a standard that enable IT or ICT service providers or companies to manage its IT service lifecycle more effectively, reliably and professionally. The standard specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving a IT SMS.
ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management System
ISO 13485:2003 specifies requirements for a quality management system for manufacturing of medical devices where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer requirements and regulatory requirements applicable to medical devices and related services. The key objective of ISO 13485:2003 is to facilitate harmonized medical device regulatory requirements for quality management systems.
GDPMD Good Distribution Practice for Medical Device
GDPMD specifies the requirements for a quality management system to be established, implemented and maintained by an establishment of medical device importer/distributor/ authorized representative to comply with Malaysian Medical Device Act 2012 (Act 737) and Medical Device Regulations 2012.
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety and pharmaceutical safety that addresses physical, chemical, and biological hazards as a means of preventive rather than finished product inspection.
GMPs Good Manufacturing Practices
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) is part of quality system covering the manufacture of food products, pharmaceutical products and medical devices. GMPs are guidelines that outline the aspects of production and testing that can impact the quality of a product.
MS 2530 (Part 1-4) Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MPSO)
The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) is the Malaysia national standard of various integrated management system covering occupational health and safety, environmental conservation and protection, quality, social corporate responsibility, and some financial aspects oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings, and palm oil processing plants to adopt for sustainable business. It addresses sustainability issues and challenges to the industry stakeholders. The standard describes the sustainability requirements for the production and supply chain from the raw materials until the delivery to consumer and makes the producers to demonstrate Sustainable Palm Oil production
Training Services
CIMY International Standards Training (M) Sdn Bhd (thereafter called CIMY International) is the training arm of CI International. It has vast experience in providing cost-effective and localized education and training in relation to international and national management system standards, and soft skill trainings which complement the management system implementation and enhancement.
ISO 9001: 2015
Effective Internal Auditing Training and Workshops
(2 Days)
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ISO 9001: 2015
Quality Management System Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course
(5 days)
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ISO 37001: 2016
Anti-bribery Management System complementing Section 17A MACC Act Amendment 2018 Adequate Procedures Training (2 Days)
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ISO 41001
Facilities Management
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ISO 45001
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
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ISO 22000
Food Safety Management System
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ISO 27001
Information Security Management System
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ISO 20000
Information Technology Service Management System
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ISO 9001: 2015 Effective Internal Auditing Training and Workshops (2 Days)
Gain confidence in planning and performing an effective audit, as well as reporting and taking corrective action where necessary.
RM1200 + 6% SST
ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Auditor/ Lead Auditor Training Course (CQI-IRCA Accredited) (5 Days)
Explain the purpose of a quality management system, of quality management systems standards, of
management system audit, third-party certification and business benefits of improved performance of
the QMS
RM3800 + 6% SST
ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-bribery Management System complementing Section 17A MACC Act Amendment 2018 Adequate Procedures Training (2 Days)
In-depth understanding of the key components of an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) and overview of the Adequate Procedures Principles, Section 17A, MACC Act Amendment 2018.
RM1200 + 6% SST
MSPO MS 2530: 2013 Awareness Training (1 Day)
To understand the general principles of the MS 2530-1 and MS 2530-4 for the palm oil mills and related palm oils based industry.
RM650 + 6% SST
ISO 9001: 2015 Risk Management/ Risk Assessment Training and Workshops (2 Days)
To explain the appropriate method using FMEA for root cause/ potential causes analysis prior to determination of actions to address the risks and opportunities
RM1200 + 6% SST
ISO 45001: 2018 Incident Investigation and Reporting Training (1 Day)
Learning the lessons and taking action to reduce, or prevent, accidents in the future.
RM650 + 6% SST
ISO 45001: 2018 Documentation Migration from OHSAS 18001: 2007 and Effective Implementation Training and Workshops (2 Days)
Gain confidence in planning and performing an effective audit, as well as reporting and taking corrective action where necessary.
RM1200 + 6% SST
ISO 22000: 2018 Documentation Migration & Implementation Training and Workshops (2 Days)
To explain the differences of requirements between ISO 22000: 2018 vs ISO 22000: 2005 and in specific and stressing on the emphasis given by ISO 22000: 2018 in order for organizations certified to ISO 22000: 2005 can amend their documents/ procedures to address the changes of requirements of the ISO 22000: 2018 into the existing Food Safety Management System.
RM1200 + 6% SST
All three auditors have showed their professionalism when conducting the audit. They gave sincere comments and guided the auditees for further improvement to the processes. The audit session was conducted in a harmonious mode without any parties feeling tensed/ pressured.
Pustaka Negeri Sarawak dan Pustaka Miri5-7/11/2019
Puan Nor Liza Sadrek has explained well and clear on the procedures and what need to be done for us Bahagian Penasihat to move forward for stage 2 audit. We would very much like for Puan Nor Liza Sadrek to be our stage 2 auditor. Thank you.
Bahagian Penasihat, Jabatan Peguam Negara1/10/2019
Very efficient services. We believed those observations will help us for future improvements. Thank you.
Rekabina Jaya Sdn Bhd1/10/2019
Auditor, Mr. Ooi is a good auditor who able to guide when we are in doubt for the findings which been found during the audit. Thanks!
Jeenhuat Foodstuffs Industries Sdn Bhd10-11/9/2019
All the auditor give a fully commitment during the audit session.
V Communications Sdn Bhd22/7/2019
Audit exercise was done very professionally. Auditors were very competent and fair during the whole audit process.
Program Kesihatan Pergigian, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia23-24/1/2019
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CI International Certification Sdn Bhd (515984-M)
CIMY International Standards Training (M) Sdn Bhd (806514-D)
Address: D-25-05 & D-25-06, Megan Legasi, No. 357, Jalan Kelang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: +603-27792529/ +603-27792530/ +6012 -2042833/ +6012-2997083