ISO 41001 Facilities Management System

Certification Services

ISO 41001 Facilities
Management System

What is ISO 41001?

ISO 41001 is a Facility Management (FM) standard designed to help an organization establish, implement, maintain and improve an integrated facility management system. FM supports the integration of people, infrastructures and processes within the working environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life and productivity of the business. The main aim of ISO 41001 is to increase the awareness and support the development, implementation and maintenance of effective facilities management in all sectors of industry.

Benefits of ISO 41001

ISO 41001 helps organizations to achieve:

  • Improved occupational health and safety, well-being and productivity of workmen.
  • Increases efficiency and effectiveness, hence reducing the organizational operating costs.
  • Enhanced communication of between the processes of FM.
  • Improved consistency of service levels delivered.

Why CI International?

  • We has been operating in Malaysia since year 2000 for last 20 years.
  • We are the no. 3 local certification body in QMS certification accredited by Department of Standard Malaysia.
  • We provide value added, high integrity, reliable and professional certification services locally and internationally despite reasonable fees.
  • We have a team of highly and widely experienced lead assessors that know the industries and capable of providing value added audit findings and recommendations for improvement of your organisation management system and business performance.

Certification Process


Click here to download Application Questionnaire for certification application.


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Contact us today to find out how CI International & Socotec CI (UK) can help your organization regards ISO 41001 certification.