MSPO MS 2530: 2013 Awareness Training (1 Day)

Training Title

MSPO MS 2530: 2013 Awareness Training
(1 Day)

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the general principles of the MS 2530-1 and MS 2530-4 for the palm oil mills and related palm oils based industry.

Who Should Attend?

  • Head of Department/ Section
  • Key personnel

Course Outline:

Introduction to MS 2530-1: 2013 Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)

Part 1: General principles

  Principle and criteria

  • Principle 1: Management commitment and responsibility
  • Principle 2: Transparency
  • Principle 3: Compliance to legal requirements
  • Principle 4: Social responsibility, health, safety and employment condition
  • Principle 5: Environment, natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Principle 6: Best practices
  • Principle 7: Development of new planting

Introduction to MS 2530-4: 2013 Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)

Part 4: General principles for palm oil mills

  Principle and criteria

  • Principle 1: Management commitment and responsibility
  • Principle 2: Transparency
  • Principle 3: Compliance to legal requirements
  • Principle 4: Social responsibility, health, safety and employment condition
  • Principle 5: Environment, natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem Services
  • Principle 6: Best practices


1 day (0900 – 1700 hours)

Training Date

1/12/2020, 15/1/2021, 2/4/2021

Fee Per Participant

RM650 + 6% SST[INSERT_ELEMENTOR id=”435″]